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6th Grade

“In 6th grade at SCS we really started to bond with so many of our teachers in a new way. The biggest challenge was getting used to our schedule and moving from class to class. I love moving around. Homeroom was a great interactive space for activities like trivia and fun, and building relationships with classmates. We do a lot more group projects in middle school so this really helps us in all of our classes.”

~ Gary

“Our teachers really make us feel comfortable and they have really become trusted advisors to us as we go through middle school. I’m so proud of being accepted in Academic Decathlon for next year and for participating in Religious Decathlon this year. My favorite field trip this year was going to an interactive Egyptian museum and exhibit full of artifacts in San Francisco. It's really special.  This year it was so great to support each other in sports. All of the athletic teams go out and support each other at games across sports, after practice or watch the other grades and cheer them on.”

~ Kiara

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